L’Union Internationale de Banques (UIB) is one of Tunisia’s main private banks. It is owned by Socété Générale Group. UIB was privatized in 2002 and is now listed on the stock exchange.
The project aims to help UIB design a range of support services for the microenterprise/SME segment and professionals. It thereby aims to:
- Provide strategic support in order to better define its non-financial range of services for this segment;
- Assist the bank in the deployment of these services, and
- Contribute to building the capacities of microenterprises/SMEs and professionals in terms of financial education and the business environment in order to facilitate their access to financing.
The project includes two components:
- The organization of training days for managers of microenterprises/SMEs and professionals.
It is planned to organize 10 SME days and 15 professional days in various regions of Tunisia. Experts will deliver introductive training sessions on the fundamentals of management and the business environment, trade capacity building, risk management, the value chain, international development, corporate management, but also on themes related to the business environment in Tunisia, such as new regulations, a reminder of available SME support mechanisms, etc
2. Support for the implementation of non-financial services to assist the microenterprise/SME segment and professionals:
- Support for the bank in formalizing the medium-term strategy for non-financial services;
- Support for the design of a range of support services for the microenterprise/SME segment and self-employed, and – Assistance in the implementation of this support program for clients and prospective clients.
The project will have an impact in terms of the financial inclusion of Tunisian SMEs. The support to UIB for the design and implementation of a range of support services for the microenterprise/SME segment will build the capacities of SMEs, which will increase their productivity and competitiveness and facilitate their access to financing. SMEs play a key role in Tunisia’s economy and contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) n° 8: Decent work and economic growth.