Proparco has partnered with Société Générale Chad to support Chadian SMEs affected by the economic crisis.
Client presentation
Société Générale Chad is the largest banking network in Chad. Since 1999, it has been providing daily support to its customers in carrying out their projects and local and international day-to-day operations.
Project description
Proparco has signed a partnership with SGC, on behalf of AFD, under the Choose Africa Resilience program. The objective is to allow SGC to offer up to XAF 327,978,500 (EUR 500,000) of emergency loans to small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the economic consequences caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Project impact
Once the financing requests have been examined by SGC, companies with less than 250 employees affected by the pandemic may be allocated loans with maturities ranging between 12 and 60 months. This countercyclical solution will allow SGC to maintain financing flows to SMEs, the central link in Chad’s economy.