Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P) is an impact investing group dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa. Since it was set up in 2002, I&P has invested in some 60 enterprises in 15 countries via three vehicles (IPDEV 1, IPDEV2 and IPAE), accounting for a total of EUR 75m of assets. In addition to the financial contribution, I&P helps the enterprises invested in strengthen their strategic, financial management and managerial skills. I&P has 20 employees working between Paris and 6 African offices.
IPDEV 2 is the largest incubation platform dedicated to the creation of national investment vehicles in Sub-Saharan Africa to support microenterprises excluded from long-term financing sources. The project aims to create a network of 10 vehicles in 10 countries over the next 10 years by structuring and training 10 local investment teams. Each vehicle will finance needs ranging between EUR 30,000 and EUR 300,000, in the form of participatory loans, convertible bonds or minority equity investments. Proparco’s financing will support training for the African management teams of the national investment vehicles and technical assistance missions to the funded SMEs (management, procedures, information systems, etc.).
Le projet a pour ambition de créer une nouvelle industrie en Afrique, celle du micro-capital investissement. Au-delà des 10 équipes de gestion locales créées et formées, IPDEV 2 permettra de financer au moins 150 TPE et de créer ou soutenir plus de 2000 emplois dans des secteurs aussi variés que l’agro-industrie, l’éducation, la santé, l’énergie, la distribution. Cette opération participera également au renforcement des capacités des PME grâce aux formations et missions financées par la facilité d’accompagnement technique des fonds.